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Home / Emulators - Xroar.conf

 ### Configuration file for XRoar

# This file contains configuration examples.  Everything in here is commented
# out, so remove the leading '#' character to try something.  This is certainly
# not an exhaustive list.  Consult the manual for more information.

## Set user-interface options:

#ao-gain -6
#ccr simulated

## Maybe print to a network printer?

#lp-pipe "enscript -B -N r -d myprinter"

## Listen for GDB connections?

#gdb-port 65520

## New machine definition:

#machine pippin
#  machine-desc "Dragon Pippin (prototype)"
#  machine-arch dragon32
#  ram 16
#  nodos

## Or override the defaults of one of the built-in definitions:

#machine coco
#  ram 4
#  bas @coco1
#  noextbas
#  nodos

## New cartridge definition:

#cart dunjunz
#  cart-desc "Dunjunz GMC"
#  cart-type gmc
#  cart-autorun
#  cart-rom /home/ciarana/src/dunjunz/dunjunz.rom

## Or again, override built-in defaults:

#cart ide
#  cart-rom yados

machine coco4k
    machine-desc TRS-80 CoCo 4K CB 1.0
    machine-arch coco
    ram 4
    bas bas10
    tv-input ntsc

machine coco16k
    machine-desc TRS-80 CoCo 16K DECB
    machine-arch coco
    ram 16
    tv-input ntsc

machine coco16k2
    machine-desc TRS-80 CoCo 16K ECB 1.0 
    machine-arch coco
    ram 16
    bas bas10
    extbas extbas10
    tv-input ntsc

machine coco32k
    machine-desc TRS-80 CoCo 32K DECB
    machine-arch coco
    ram 32
    tv-input ntsc

machine coco32k2
    machine-desc TRS-80 CoCo 32K ECB
    machine-arch coco
    ram 32
    tv-input ntsc

machine coco3rgb
    machine-desc CoCo 3 RGB
    machine-arch coco3
    tv-input rgb
    # Mac keyboard overrides for CTRL/ALT/F1/F2
    # kbd-bind "Left Ctrl"=pre:ctrl
    # kbd-bind "Left Option"=pre:alt
    # kbd-bind F1=pre:f1
    # kbd-bind F2=pre:f2

machine coco3eou
    machine-desc NitOS9 Ease of Use
    machine-arch coco3
    machine-cart ide
    cart-rom hdblba.rom
    # Update path to .ide image.
    load-hd0 68IDE.ide
    tv-input rgb
    ram 512

# Specify default profile to startup in.
#default-machine cocous
#default-machine coco4k
#default-machine coco16k
#default-machine coco3rgb
#default-machine coco3eou
default-machine coco3rgb

# Update to path for virtual printer for LLIST and PRINT#-2
lp-file printer.txt
ccr simulated

# End of file.