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Thanks for the memories (Rainbow 1981-08)

From CoCopedia - The Tandy/Radio Shack Color Computer Wiki
Revision as of 17:45, 28 March 2019 by Luis46coco (talk | contribs) (Removed redirect to M & N Decoded (Rainbow-1981-07))
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Yes, we do love the Color Computer, but we get somewhat unhappy when we get right on the edge of usabte memory and realize there is some 1.5K being "eaten" up by high-res graphic screens we're not ptanning to use.

There is a way. . .

Just POKE 25,6:NEW when you power up, and you—will have an additional 1.5K of bonlafide memory to use. We aren't exactly sure what this does, but it seems to remove the high-res graphic screen from memory. It stays gone so long as you don't PCLEAR the Color Computer.

You have to plan advance. The Poke doesn't work if you leave off the :NEW, and, if you have a program residig in memory, the :NEW will wipe.

One way to avoid this problem If you did not plan ahead would be to CSAVE the program, reset the memory and then CLOAD the program back in.

As Bob Hope said. • •