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TRS-80 Color Computer Assembly Language Programming

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Home / Publications - TRS-80 Color Computer Assembly Language Programming

TRS-80 Color Computer Assembly Language Programming
TRS-80 Color Computer Assembly Language Programming
Title TRS-80 Color Computer Assembly Language Programming
Author William Barden, Jr.
Publisher Radio Shack
Pub Date 1983
Pages 296
Language English
Format black and white paperback, Soft Cover
Notes catalog # 62-2077.
Info Source Dean Leiber

Focused on using EDTASM to program the TRS-80 Color Computer.

From the Cover:

  • A comprehensive guide to 6809 instruction set and registers
  • Storing data to memory
  • Condition Code
  • Addressing and branching
  • Subroutines
  • Arithmetic operations
  • ROM subroutines
  • Graphics and sound

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