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Zelda and her days

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This page was last updated on 05/18/2019. Total Pages: 730. Total Files: 993.

Home / Publications / Rainbow / Rainbow 1981 / Rainbow 1981-12 - Zelda and her days

What does a witch need more than anything else? Other than her broomstick, it's got to be a bat. And there are a lot of them in this program from Illustrated Memory Banks.

ZELDA'S BAT BOTTLE is brought to you courtesy of Fred Scerbo of IMB and we think you'll find it a lot of fun to play.

As most of you undoubtedly know, witches need all kinds of special things to make their magic potions. Bats happen to be one of the. and, in the instant situation, Zelda needs 10 of them. You need to help her zap them, fill up the bottle, and do it as quickly as possible. ZELDA'S BAT BOTTLE will tell you how long it takes!

ZELDA'S BAT BOTTLE is copyrighted by Illustrated Memory Banks and may not be duplicated. You are authorized to make two copies for your single end use. For permission to make additional copies, contact IMB at P.O. Box 289, Williamstown, MA, 01267.

Incidentally, you might pay special attention to the graphics. You will notice they are a little different than those which have been presented in the RAINBOW in the past but are extremely attractive! We think you'll like this one ... and will have some fun helping Zelda out.

The Listing:

10 CLEAR500:CLS(0):PMODE3,1:COLOR3,1:PCLS(0):SCREEN0,1:LINE(20,8)-(234,92),PSET,B:DRAW"BM5,20U8R5D8U4L5":DRAW"BM5,32U8F5D3U8"
20 COLOR4,2:LINE(28,16)-(60,84),PRESET,BF
30 LINE(68,32)-(104,84),PRESET,BF:CIRCLE(86,32),20,2,.9,.52,.98:PAINT(86,19),2,2:PSET(86,15)
40 LINE(108,32)-(144,84),PRESET,BF:CIRCLE(126,32),20,2,.9,.52,.98:PAINT(126,17),2,2:PSET(126,15)
50 LINE(152,16)-(212,48),PRESET,BF:CIRCLE(212,32),18,2,1,.77,.23:PAINT(215,17),2,2:PSET(230,32):LINE(152,32)-(212,84),PRESET,BF:CIRCLE(212,68),18,2,1,.77,.23:PA INT(217,53),2,2:PSET(230,68):SCREEN1,1
60 PMODE4,1:SCREEN1,1:FORI=1TO48STEP2:CIRCLE(60,144),I,8,.9:NEXT
70 DRAW"BM140,104;C0L28D80R28U34L12":DRAW"BM144,l84,C0U80R28D80U34L28"
80 DRAW"BM176,l84,U80R18ND46R18D80":DRAW"BM244,104L28D46R28L28D34R28":SOUND200,1:SOUND200,1:SCREEN1,1:FORI=1TO1000:NEXT
90 CLS(0):PRINT@172,"ZELDA'S";:PRINT@238,"BAT";:PRINT@300,"BOTTLE!";:FORI=1TO1500:NEXT


See Rainbow Magazine 1981-12 Pag 2, in