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Downloading from Videotex
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Home / Publications / Rainbow / Rainbow 1981 / Rainbow 1981-11 - Downloading from Videotex
VIDEOAID is an enhancement to the VIDPRINT program which was published in last month's RAINBOW. It clears up some bugs, but it also allows you to download programs from Compuserve and BBS systems.
This program revises Radio Shack's VIDEOTEX. You need the VIDEOTEX program to make it work. But. by following the instructions, you will be able to view pages stored in memory, select any one Fage for viewing, copy any or all pages to tape, load pages previously stored to tape, obtain hard copy and download programs (and save them to tape).
You must first modify VIDEOTEX. If you have 16K, just load VIDEOTEX, type POKE2103,255 and <ENTER>. Then save the revision to tape by using CSAVEM "VIDEOTEX",1728,3839,1728. Use the new tape from now on.
These with 32K can do a little more. First load VIDEOTEX. Then type PCLEAR1, load the VIDFIX program below, and run it. Then reload the corrected VIDEOTEX (the one generated to tape by VIDFIX).
Both systems can now run the revised VIDEOTEX. After you disconnect, RESET the computer to return to BASIC.
Now, load VIDEOAID (below). First type POKE25,6:POKE26,1 <ENTER>. Then load VIDEOAID with the normal CLOAD.
You can now type single letters to do the following:
- (P) Go back to previous page <SPACE> Next page;
- (S) Save page being viewed to tape;
- (L) load previously saved page;
- (C) Change to specific page;
- (P) Print page being viewed;
- (D) Download.
Make sure the printer is on before using (P). the recorder before using (L) or (S).
When you download, a white cursor will appear at the top left-hand corner of the screen. Use the arrow keys to move. If you move the cursor off the screen down. the next page will come up. and vise-versa.
Mark the program you wish to download by:
Press (B) for beginning. Move the cursor to the top of the first character and press the "P". You won't notice any change in the screen, however.
Mark the end of each line with an (L). Place the cursor on top of the last character. Press "L".
Mark the end of the program. Use an (E) instead of an (L) as in the previous step. The program will then get ready to load onto tape. You will be prompted to assign a program name, and there will be a delay while the program reformats information for the tape recorder.
You can then RUN the program again or, if you wish to make a second copy, simply GOTO10, advance to the last page. type (D), mark the last character with the (E) and it will be done again.
I am sure this combination will open all kinds of different opportunities for you. It has for me.
The listings:
1 REM **VIDFIX BY JORGE MIR** 2 REM ** (c) 1981 10 A=30208 20 POKE 2103,255 30 POKE 2112,53 40 FOR X=1728 TO 3839 50 POKE A,PEEK(X) 55 PRINT CHR$(PEEK(X)); 60 A=A+1:NEXT X 70 PRINT:PRINT"READY RECORDER" 80 IF INKEY$=""THEN 80 90 FOR X=1 TO 5 100 CSAVEM"VIDEOTEX",30208,32319,30208 110 MOTOR ON 120 FOR Z=1 TO 500:NEXT Z 130 MOTOR OFF 140 END
7 ' **VIDEOAID** 8 ' **(C) By JORGE MIR, 1981** 10 CLEAR512:PAGE=6:GOSUB120 15 DEFFNA(L)=INT(L/32)*32 20 A$=INKEY$:IFINKEY=""THEN20 30 IFA$=" "THENPAGE=PAGE+1 40 IFA$="B"THENPAGE=PAGE-1 50 IFA$="D"THEN340 60 IFA$="S"THEN290 70 IFA$="P"THEN240 80 IFA$="L"THEN300 90 IFA$="c"THENGOSUB310 100 GOSUB110:GOTO20 110 IFPAGE>62THENPAGE=0:GOTO20 120 FOR F=0TO1:FOR E=0TO1:FOR D=0TO1:FORC=0TO1:FOR B=0TO1:FOR A=0TO1 130 IFPAGE=A*32+B*16+C*8+D*4+E*2+F THEN150 140 NEXTA,B,C,D,E,F 150 FOR X=65478 TO 65488 STEP2 160 POKEX,200:NEXT X 170 IFF=1THENPOKE65479,100 180 IFE=lTHENPOKE65481,100 190 IFD=1THENPOKE65483,100 200 IFC=1THENPOKE65485,100 210 IFB=1THENPOKE65487,100 220 IFA=1THENPOKE65489,100 230 P=PAGE*512:RETURN 240 L=0:A$="":FOR X=PTOP+511 250 A=PEEK(X):IFA=>96ANDA<=127THENA=A-64 260 A$=Aa$+CHR$(A):L=L+1:IFL<>32THEN280 270 PRINT#-2,A$:L=0:A$="" 280 NEXTX:GOTO20 290 CSAVEM"P"+MID$(STR$(PAGE),2),P,P+511,P:GOTO20 300 GOSUB530:CLOADMSR$:PAGE=(PEEK(&H01E7)*256+PEEK(&H01E8))/512:GOSUB120:GOTO20 310 CLS:PRINT"YOU ARE VIEWING PAGE#"PAGE 320 PRINT"LOCATED AT"P" ("HEX$(P)")" 330 PRINT:INPUT"ENTER NEW PAGE #";PAGE:RETURN 340 A1=PEEK(P):POKEP,207:A3=P 350 I$=INKEY$:IFI$=""THEN350 360 I=ASC(I$) 370 IFI$="B"THENBE=P ELSE IF I$="E" THENPOKEP+1,255 ELSE IF I$="L" THEN POKEP+1,13 ELSE IF I$="C" THEN POKEP+1,96 ELSE IF I$="Q" THEN GOSUB600 ELSE IF I=9 THEN P=P+1 380 IFI=93THENP=INT(P/32)*32+31 ELSE IF I=21 THEN P=INT(P/32)*32 ELSE IF I=94 THENP=P-32 ELSE IF I=10 THEN P=P+32 ELSE IF I=8 THEN P=P-1:ELSE IF I=9 THENP=P+1 390 POKE A3,Al:IFI$="E"THEN430 400 IFP>PAGE*512+511THENPAGE=PAGE+1:P1=P-FNA(P):GOSUB110:P=P+P1 410 IFP<PAGE*512THENPAGE=PAGE-1:GOSUB110 420 GOTO340 430 CLS:PRINT"GET RECORDER READY":INPUT"PROGRAM NAME";I$ 440 OPEN"O",-1,I$ 450 V=PEEK(BE):IFV=255 THEN480 460 IFV=>96 AND V<=127 THEN V=V-64 470 IFV=13THEN480 ELSE IF V=S THEN 490 ELSE L$=L$+CHR$(V):GOT0490 480 PRINTL$:PRINT#-1,L$:IFV=255THEN510ELSEL$="" 490 IFV=32 THEN S=32 ELSE S=96 500 BE=BE+1:GOTO450 510 CLOSE-1:CLS:PRINT"DOWNLOAD HAS BEEN COMPLETED" 520 END 530 INPUT "PAGE" ;PG:IFPG=0THENSR$=""ELSESR$="P"+MID$(STR$(PG),2) 535 RETURN 600 POKEP,175 610 I$=INKEY$:IFI$=""THEN610 620 A1=ASC(I$):IFA1=>32ANDA1<=63THENA1=A1+64:P=P+1:RETURN 630 RETURN 640 POKEA3,A1:P=INT(P/32)*32+63: FOR P=P TO P-32 STEP-1:IFPEEK(P)=96THENNEXT 641 RETURN