2024-03-02: The wiki ran out of disk space, so things were not working. This has been resolved by adding another 5GB of quota ;-) Thanks to Tim Lindner for reporting the issues. 2020-05-17: If a page gives you an error about some revision not being found, just EDIT the page and the old page should appear in the editor. If it does, just SAVE that and the page should be restored. OS-9 Al (talk) 12:22, 17 May 2020 (CDT)

List of Tags

From CoCopedia - The Tandy/Radio Shack Color Computer Wiki
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This page was last updated on 08/31/2016. Total Pages: 730. Total Files: 993.

Home / Help - List of Tags

We may be moving to a system of using "Tags" for pages we create. These would appear as Categories at the bottom of the page, and would be defined in a template, perhaps like this:

{{InfoBox |
| name = Zaxxon
| photo = Zaxxon.jpg
{{Tags | Software | Game | Space | Shooter | Cassette | Joystick}}

"Tags" would be a template that just created categories from whatever values are passed.

This page will serve as a listing of the Tags we want to support for different items.

The InfoBox would be unique to each one -- for instance, a publication or company might have a Start Year and End Year, while other InfoBoxes might only have a year (like when a Game was released). Beyond that, everything could be a tag.

UPDATE: MediaWiki supports sub-categories. Meaning, if you create a category called "Game" (which we have), inside that Category it can have "Category: Software". Thus, anything tagged with "Game" instantly gets Software as a tag. If we set these up properly, we won't have to do as many tags!

Platform Tags

These are top-level tags that can be for software, hardware or publications (for instance, a book that only covered CoCo 3 items).

  • CoCo 1 - items that ONLY work on CoCo 1
  • CoCo 1 - items that ONLY work on CoCo 2 (are there any???)
  • CoCo 1/2 - items that work on either a CoCo 1 or 2
  • CoCo 3 - items that support CoCo 3 specific modes.

A dual-mode program like Tetris or Arkanoid would be tagged as "CoCo 1/2" and "CoCo 3", I suppose. Something specific to the CoCo 3 like "Z-89" would only have "CoCo 3" as a tag.

Company Tags

All of these tags will be a sub-category of "Company".

Convention Tags

All of these tags will be a sub-category of "Convention".

Hardware Tags

All of these tags will be a sub-category of "Hardware".

Interface (or Port?)

Items under here will be a sub-category of "Interface". We need to use "Port" here because "Cassette" will probably be a software sub-category (for Media the program came on). Joystick is a problem. We might want to tag a hardware device as a Joystick, but also want to use Joystick as a tag for a game that uses them... We can't do both, so the keywords have to be different if we want to use sub-categories.

  • Cartridge Port - plugs in to the cartridge port
  • Serial Port - plugs in to the serial port
  • Joystick Port - plugs in to the joystick port
  • Cassette Port - plugs in to the cassette port


  • Audio Digitizer
  • Printer
  • Video Digitizer
  • ...etc...

People Tags

All of these tags will be a sub-category of "People".

Publication Tags

All of these tags will be a sub-category of "Publication".

Software Tags

All of these tags will be a sub-category of "Software".


Items under here will be subcategories of "Game".

  • Maze - Pac-Man style games
  • Platform - the running, jumping, climbing games like Donkey King
  • Puzzle
  • Shooter - Pew pew!
  • Simulation - ? We could also have Wargame, etc.

Operating System? =

For software, this is simple. For hardware, thisthat's where multiple tags come in handy. The "RASCAN" video digitizer might be tagged with "CoCo 3" (hardware requirement) and "RS-DOS" (software requirement) for software.

  • OS-9 - runs on any version of OS-9?
  • OS-9 Level 1 - only runs on OS-9 Level 1.
  • OS-9 Level 2 - only runs on OS-9 Level 2.
  • NitrOS-9 - only runs under NitroOS-9... I guess we could have Level 1, Level 2 and Level 3 here too.
  • DECB - requires Disk Extended Color BASIC (or we could call this RS-DOS?)
  • ECB - requires Extended Color Basic ...etc...


Items under here will be subcategories of "Productivity".

    • Word Processor