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Rupert Rythym
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This page was last updated on 09/16/2012. Total Pages: 744. Total Files: 994.
Home / Software - Rupert Rythym
Ah , I remember this game the best out of all the games I brought from Tandy Australia, this is the second game,I brought done by Nick Marentes, The first being Donut Dilemma. I remember the first time,I saw this running on a coco 3, in my local Tandy Store, I loved the colors and sounds , this little gem of a game was doing, I just knew i had to get it, even knowing i would be broke for a week(It was money well worth spent). To Play this game, you have to have the volumne up high, just sounds so cool, listening to the percussion and bass coming out, especially when you hear the HEY bit. It uses the 320-192x16 colour screen, with some of the coolest sounds you will hear, Having a pen and paper, is handy, when you have to put all the rythym components into the right doors. One of the best features, is the invisible mode part. Using the fire cracker, is a real cracker sound, or one of the best pieces of sound programming done. Game controls is done using a 2 button joystick, fire cracker is the 1st button on joystick. pep mode, is joystick button 2, or the spacebar Enter a door in master hall, press button 1 Swap notes in master hall, press S Play notes in master hall, press P Pause on/off, F1 Abort game/return to main screen CNTRL F2 together You have to play it, to really appreciate the graphics and sounds used to make this game, Truely a must in any coco users game collection.