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CoCo3 Easter Egg

From CoCopedia - The Tandy/Radio Shack Color Computer Wiki
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The Color Computer 3 contained an easter egg.

The Egg

The above picture can be displayed on every Color Computer 3 ever made. But the instructions on how to bring it up were kept secret. That is what makes is an "Easter Egg". To see the picture hold down the "Control" and "Alternate" key on the CoCo's keyboard and press the reset button on the back right of the Color Computer. This puts the CoCo into a special mode where the only thing it can do is display this picture. A nitfy side effect of this easter egg is now there is an easy way to to generate a cold restart of the machine. Pressing the reset button again will produce the standard Color Computer 3 power on sequence.

Tandy's Roll

During the design of the Color Computer 3 hardware Tandy commissioned Microware to extend the internal BASIC interrupter.

Microware's Roll

Q&A at Pennfest 2000

Special Discovery